星期六, 10月 04, 2008
Nickelback - Rockstar
I'm through with standin in line
To clubs I'll never get in
It's like the bottom of the nineth
And I'm never gonna win
This life just hasn't turned out
Quite the way I want it to be
(tell me what you want)
I want a brand new house
On an episode of cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub
Big enough for ten plus me
(so what ya need)
I need a a credit card thats got no limit
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
Gonna join the mile high club
At thirty-seven thousand feet
(been there done that)
I want a new tour bus full of old guitars
My own star on Hollywood Boulevard
Somewhere between Cher and
James Dean is fine with me
(so how ya gonna do it)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
Livin in top houses
Drivin fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy Bunny
With their bleach blond hair
And well...
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels
Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes
Sign a couple autographs
so I can eat my meals for free
(I'll have a quesadilla haha)
I'm gonna dress my ass
with the latest fashions
Get a front door key to the Playboy Mansion
Gonna date a centerfold that loves to
blow my money for me
(so how ya gonna do it)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
Livin in top houses
Drivin fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hangout at the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold diggers
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy Bunny
With their bleach blond hair
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest dictionary and
Todays who's who
We'll get you anything
With that evil smile
Everybody's got a
Drug dealer on speed dial
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
I'm gonna sing those songs
That offend the censors
Gonna pop my pills
From a pez dispenser
Get washed-up singers writing all my songs
Lip syng 'em every night so I don't get 'em wrong
Well we all just a wanna be big rockstars
Live in hilltop houses
Driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy
And the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny
Cuz we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With the bleach blond hair
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest dictionary and
Todays who's who
We'll get you anything
With that evil smile
Everybody's got a
Drug dealer on speed dial well..
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Lil' Allen
張貼留言 (Atom)
"終於作了這個決定,別人怎麼說我不理,只要你也一樣的肯定。" - 梁靜茹 勇氣 "2011年,一封躺在垃圾信件夾的求才信,新光三越的故事就是這麼開始的" 在離開大學畢業後的第一份業務工作後, 每天過著日落而作、日出而息的的生活,...

"終於作了這個決定,別人怎麼說我不理,只要你也一樣的肯定。" - 梁靜茹 勇氣 "2011年,一封躺在垃圾信件夾的求才信,新光三越的故事就是這麼開始的" 在離開大學畢業後的第一份業務工作後, 每天過著日落而作、日出而息的的生活,...
逼央 你死定了 最近在公司的行程幾乎就是 上課上課上課上課 預計要上到月底 有點回到學生的感覺 但是不能翹課 = = 其實上課也不累啦 而且說實在的 坐著領薪水也沒什麼好抱怨的 祇是整天坐著會令人很想睡覺而已 現在富邦也有提供就學貸款 說到這個 現在好像很多銀行都接近滿...
義大利黑手黨"Mafia"最為人所熟悉的就是電影教父系列 又稱"是男人都應該要看的電影" "第一代教父 Don Vito Corleone 馬龍白蘭度" 但今天不是評論這部電影,而是要介紹牛仔褲的。 ...