星期二, 3月 27, 2007

Over and Over

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can't keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause it's all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can't take it yeah I can't shake it

I can't wait to see you
Want to see if you still got that look in your eyes
That one you had for me before we said our goodbyes
And it's a shame that we got to spend our time
Being mad about the same things
Over and over again
About the same things
Over and over again
But I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
(I Can't go on not loving you)

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can't keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again yeah
And I can't take it yeah I can't shake it

I remember the day you left
I remember the last breath you took right in front of me
When you said that u would leave
I was too damn stubborn to try to stop you or say anything
But I see clearly now
And this choice I made keeps playing in my head
Over and over again
Playing my head
Over and over again
I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
(I Can't go on not loving you)

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can't keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can't take it I can't shake it

(Now that I've realized that I'm going down
From all this pain you've put me through
Every time I close my eyes I lock it down oh
I can't go on not loving you)

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can't keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can't take it I can't shake it

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can't keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can't take it I can't shake it

Over and Over again
Over and Over again
Cause it's all in my head

星期五, 3月 16, 2007



Thanks a lot



Lil' Allen

P.S 我不是故意寫這麼感性的文章的
完全是因為演講課老師給的題目害我想太多... Orz
If you would die in two month, what do you want to do?

星期三, 3月 07, 2007

所以說 快畢業了嗎?



話不多說 直接寫例子讓大家看

帥氣小艾倫的檔案 *這是標題 一定要有

姓名:林郁倫 (天賜良名) *要搞的自己很神話

生日:74.03.16 (禮到人不到) *還真以為畢業後人家還會記得你生日

星座:雙魚座 (浪漫!) *硬是要提自己星座的優點

生肖:牛 (大家都是吧!) *那還寫個屁 = =


自我介紹結束之後 再來就是好友之類的

好友:很多耶 (少不了你) *基本上客套話一定要有

知己:XXX.XXX (好知己) *阿?

知心:XXX.XXX (知我心) *阿?

知彼:XXX.XXX (知我彼) *.......?
請允許我省略 朋友就朋友 還可以分類的比MSN群組還多 不簡單...


寫完好友 總是要寫自己喜歡的事情

愛做:好玩的事 (你敢說你不是?!) *嗯 姑且同意

愛看:電視.電影.XXX (一樣好看) *嗯? XXX應該是指喜歡的人吧

愛聽:音樂.XXX說的話 (好幸福) *馬的 不然小說是可以聽喔 音樂勒...

愛想:XXX (每天都會想) *是要告白幾次 = =

愛人:__________(自己猜!) *別懷疑 那一片空白是寫了人名再畫掉 最後補上立可白



恨吃:吃大便 (廢話 你敢吃嘛?) *我不敢吃 可是聽起來你吃過?

恨事:看到仇人 (超討厭!) *嗯 還滿討厭的啦

恨人:很多! (放心沒有你) *合理 朋友很多 恨人當然很多 沒有我也算是令人開心

仇人:XXX.XXX (超恨!) *敢愛敢恨
總之 各式各樣令人討厭的"X人"都有


最後會留下一篇感性的留言 這邊就不多提了 自由發揮

至於吉祥話 則是花招百出

四個字連在一起的 有花樣的 成圓形狀的 樓梯型的 你能想到的都有



最後的最後 留下自己的大名

還不忘 P.S 字美(or 醜)勿怪

Had you done this before?

I did.

Lil' Allen


"終於作了這個決定,別人怎麼說我不理,只要你也一樣的肯定。" - 梁靜茹 勇氣 "2011年,一封躺在垃圾信件夾的求才信,新光三越的故事就是這麼開始的" 在離開大學畢業後的第一份業務工作後, 每天過著日落而作、日出而息的的生活,...